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Food Kitchen for Thomas Merton House

We provide food for Thomas Merton House in Bridgeport the third Tuesday of every month. The food includes: chicken, any style, or any main dish of your choosing; mac and cheese or pasta; vegetables; fruit; rolls; and dessert. Food may be dropped off at the New Academy building Sunday morning, Monday between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m., or no later than Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. the day of delivery to Thomas Merton House. Please indicate that it is for the Food Kitchen. A sign-up sheet is located in the church hall or e-mail the office:

We also collect food pantry and toiletry items for delivery to Thomas Merton House.

Non-perishable food is collected on the First Sunday of the month or dropped off at the Old Academy building anytime to remember those in need of experiencing God’s abundance. They are delivered the day of the food kitchen.